IT consultants with a passion for Java AND Spring
Thinkers + Makers = Value Creators
We are part of Faros, a leading Java technology company within the Cronos group and Xplore Group.
We are part of Faros, a leading Java technology company within the Cronos group and Xplore Group.
For more than 20 years we are developing high quality custom made IT solutions in co-creation with our customers. We don’t just drop in, replay and leave. We empower your team to help you develop products to your customer’s need.
We strongly believe in the agile approach, we help you define and realize your IT challenges into comprehensive and feasable steps, each evaluated in frequent feedback loops.
You want to launch a new digital product, service, app ? We help you validate your concept, by developing a MVP or POC, and help you evolve it towards a business solutions.
First we assess your business critical applications, resulting in clear plan, and budget. Then we bring your legacy application into a modern, future prove, user-friendly, scalable and secure cloud native application.
Our mission: offering your users the best user experience, and secure well performing software.
In this fast changing digital world you need to deliver innovative products more rapidly and provide the value that customers expect. To do that, you need a cutting-edge Cloud Hybrid or Cloud Native platform. That’s where our Certified Kubernetes Dev-Ops engineers come in.
Extending your team by providing you a experienced consultant, or a well balanced team to help you realise a specific task or project part. Areas we provide consultants in are :
- Front-end developement
- Back-end developement
- Dev-Ops
- Business Analyses
- Project Management
Please fill in the details, and we will get back to you asap and start our dialog together.
Kleinhoefstraat 5, 2440 Geel